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Wireless Bell Push Series Products

A wireless and battery-less vehicle Bell Push using radio transmission to communicate between a passenger Bell Push and the vehicle mounted receiver.

BMAC’s WBP products are available in both 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz frequencies, the product codes are identified by:
868 MHz WBP parts are identified under BMAC’s 420 Series
2.4 GHz WBP parts are identified under BMAC’s 424 Series
868 MHz / 2.4 GHz Seat Back WBP parts are identified under BMAC’s 425 Series

Please see the links below for the relevant product matrices to understand specific variants available

WBP Series DatasheetsProduct Variant Matrices
420 SeriesHorizontal Body
Vertical Body
424 SeriesHorizontal Body
Vertical Body
425 SeriesCorresponding Buttons


The above matrices indicate BMAC’s current standardised options, however bespoke variants can be reviewed and offered on enquiry if there is scope for substantial supply.


BMAC’s Wireless Bell Push technology can be available to fit to 35mm diameter stanchions in both horizontal and vertical orientations, as well as wall panel mounted variants using dedicated blanking inserts per bell push, and passenger seat mounted designs. Moulded end inserts cater for wall panel mounted bell pushes, safeguarding a simple solution regarding fitting to flat planes (see Additional Accessories & Equipment below).

The 425 Series Seat Back Wireless Bell Push options are supplied as either an 868 MHz or 2.4 GHz Seat Back Body along with required Button separately in kit format with instructions for fitment to vehicle included. This is because the Seat Back WBP edition is either fitted behind and through the seat or panel rather than onto stanchion.

Seat Back Wireless Bell Push part numbers are listed below. The same suite of buttons are available as with the 420/424 Series.

425/1Z2.4 GHzSeat Back Wireless Bell Push
425/4Z2.4 GHzSeat Back Wireless Bell Push – Anthracite Grey Bezel
425/5Z868 MHzSeat Back Wireless Bell Push
425/8Z868 MHzSeat Back Wireless Bell Push – Anthracite Grey Bezel


Additional Accessories & Equipment

Surface Mount Inserts

WBP products that require mounting to wall panels require 2off additional moulded end inserts to cater for fitting to the flat plane, available inserts are listed below:

420/19GSurface Mount Insert – Grey
420/19YSurface Mount Insert – Yellow
420/19BSurface Mount Insert – Black


Receiver Modules

A Receiver Module is required to be fitted to each vehicle that contains a BMAC Wireless Bell Push product. This allows the interface between the Bell Push and the vehicle management system.

422-00868 MHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Unprogrammed)
422-01868 MHzWireless Receiver Interface Module
422-02868 MHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Fast Response)
422-03868 MHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Fast Resp, 30 Channel)
422-04868 MHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Fast Resp, 100 Channel)
424-002.4 GHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Unprogrammed)
424-012.4 GHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (30 Channel)
424-022.4 GHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (100 Channel)
424FR-012.4 GHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Fast Resp, 30 Channel)
424FR-022.4 GHzWireless Receiver Interface Module (Fast Resp, 100 Channel)
Power Lead Extension

The Power Lead Extension, product 424/13Z, has been designed to enable vehicle builders / maintainers the flexibility to programme wireless bell push on vehicles whist not having to remove the bell push from its location on the vehicle.

By simply removing the vehicle mounted bell push receiver module, plug the 6-way housing into the vehicle receiver module electrical connector port and connect the 6-way receptacle end into the receiver module. With the vehicle power applied this allows the programmer the freedom to move round the vehicle and pair the bell push to the receiver whilst in situ. Once the task is completed disconnect the power lead extension and re-install the receiver module.












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